The Cave Art of Tom Culverwell


The captivating story of the wonderfully detailed drawings by early NSS member Tom Culverwell (NSS 772). As part of the pioneering exploration team, he helped push West Virginia’s Schoolhouse Cave in the early 1940’s. His drawings captured both the danger and the thrill of discovery as they uncovered the cave’s vast chambers, narrow corridors, high ledges, deep pits, and high walls. Includes all 24 drawings plus two detailed Schoolhouse maps. Paperback, coated paper.

The captivating story of the wonderfully detailed drawings by early NSS member Tom Culverwell (NSS 772). As part of the pioneering exploration team, he helped push West Virginia's Schoolhouse Cave in the early 1940's. His drawings captured both the danger and the thrill of discovery as they uncovered the cave's vast chambers, narrow corridors, high ledges, deep pits, and high walls. Includes all 24 drawings plus two detailed Schoolhouse maps. Paperback, coated paper.